Personalized Deals with Dobin

Feb 16, 2023
5 mins read
How Dobin can curate personalised deals that are personalised to your purchasing habits

Is there anything better than a bargain?

You know, when you really want those new shoes, that new designer handbag, that new piece of awesome tech… and just before you go to buy it, you get a surprise discount and money back in your wallet. That’s got to be the best feeling!

But where to find deals in Singapore like that?

Well the bad news is that, while there are a lot of deals around, not all of them are on things you actually want. The good news? Dobin is here to change all that.

Here’s how Dobin helps you get personalised vouchers and exclusive deals on shopping, transport every-day spending and more, simply by harnessing the information you already have on your phone.

Dobin: Where to Find Deals

So how exactly can an app offer you personalised deals?

Well, Dobin takes a look at what you’re spending on, which brands you love and where you shop. Plus, it might pick up on what you love doing at the weekends, how often you go on vacation and what kind of everyday activity you do often. With that information, Dobin will match you to rewards that are really relevant and personalised to you.

Whereas there are many apps that take a look at some of your personal habits, Dobin is different because we perform our expert analysis on your entire data set, not just your surface information on one particular bank account or credit card. As a result, our recommendations are much more pertinent and specific to you, meaning you’ll be surprised by how great the exclusive deals we offer are.

Imagine you love working out. Dobin will see your gym membership, that regular protein shake order and how you often shop at Nike and Adidas for your latest gym gear because we use all your information to get to know you. Now, Dobin knows that you’re a valuable customer at specific sports shops, so we’ll recommend tailored deals to help you get some awesome discounts. Not a gym bunny? Dobin gets to know the real YOU, whether you love luxury shopping, getting a take out with friends or even travelling abroad.

How do we know how to do this? Well, our team is made up of experts who worked exclusively in harnessing transaction data for years, at some of the leading banks in Singapore and around the world. We know what to look for, and how we can best use your data to benefit you. Then, we took that information and turned it into an easy-to-use app.

How Dobin Works

Dobin is Singapore’s exciting new financial management app, built by harnessing the power of open finance.

Already used in Europe, open finance takes the financial data you already have on your phone (through your bank apps, pay wallets and any other financial apps) and brings it together to help you make great financial decisions. From discount vouchers to credit cards, securing a personal loan to saving for an emergency fund, Dobin helps you get value from your data.

Unlike other financial management apps, Dobin puts you 100% in control of the data you choose to share with us. Although the more apps you connect to Dobin the more personalised the rewards will be, it’s up to you how many accounts you choose to connect.

For instance, if you connect your bank account to Dobin, we can use your transaction data to help you hunt down the best discount vouchers. If you choose not to, you can still browse for great deals by category.

If you connect all your bank accounts and credit card information with Dobin, we can help you apply for a great credit card directly in the app, and offer you preferential discount rates from merchants based on how you spend and save. If you choose not to, we can still help you discover a great card for you by searching and browsing for the available cards using our easy-to-read view.

Dobin: Data in Good Hands

Above all, Dobin sees the value in your data. We know your information can be used for your advantage, and that’s why we take data protection and security very seriously.

Unfortunately, your data is already being used right now, by companies who aren’t always transparent with you. We exist to counteract that, and we believe your data should only be used to benefit the person who it belongs to: YOU.

That’s why we protect your data like we’d like our data to be protected. We always use multiple levels of encryption and innovative data security technology. We take consent seriously, and will never use your data without your permission.

Finally, we only store your data in the app on your phone —not on our servers. This means that wherever you are, your data is also. You’ll always know where it is and you’re always in charge of how it’s used.

Unlock the value of your financial data now, knowing your data is in great hands.

Download Dobin and discover personalised discounts for you.