Dobin Manifesto

About Us
Jan 15, 2023
1 min read
Dobin Manifesto

At Dobin, we believe in the POWER of data.

Data informs, guides and enlightens. When we have access to our own data, we’re empowered to make great financial decisions.

Yet, we live in a world where our data is taken without cause or exchanged value. Our financial wellbeing suffers. We’re no longer in control.

We believe it’s time to take back that power. Time to see the full picture of our financial data, and use it to make informed choices and get rewarded. It’s time we made our data work for us.

Whether it’s starting a new job, building a new family or saving for the future, to be financially empowered is to be free.

Our platform creates value through data. It keeps learning, is intuitively understanding and provides insights and financial products that are really rewarding. Through the power of data, choice and community, Dobin creates better financial wellbeing for all.

We are Dobin. Your Data. Your Value.