Offer starts on 00:00 SGT 24 Jan 2024 and expires at 23:59 SGT 31 Dec 2024 or when fully redeemed, whichever is earlier.
All promotions are valid while stocks last.
Vouchers are not applicable for the following categories/products - Digital goods, Jewellery/Gold, and Toddler Formula (0-12 months). Vouchers may be used for selected digital goods at Lazadaâs sole discretion at any time.
All offers are not valid in conjunction with other offers, discounts, promotions, e-vouchers, e-coupons, privileges or purchase of gift certificates, unless otherwise stated.
Payment must be made with a DBS/POSB Credit or Debit Card.
Promotion code, if applicable, must be entered prior to completing the purchase at checkout. Promotions cannot be claimed after the purchase is completed.
All offers may be subject to prevailing government taxes and service charges where applicable. For offers with a minimum purchase requirement, the minimum purchase amount does not take into account of taxes and fees, including but not limited to shipping and handling, unless otherwise stated.
All offers are subject to the individual merchantâs terms and conditions. DBS/POSB Cardmembers are advised to check with the relevant merchant(s) concerned.
DBS General Promotion Terms & Conditions apply, visit